Let’s make the world a happier place, one Oxford comma at a time.

You’ve put in the work – and your finished product is amazing. Your content is going to take the world by storm.

At least, you’re pretty sure…

You know your content is great – but how do you spell that one word again? And did you really explain yourself as well as you think you did?

Most of us face this question every single time we hit “publish” or “send.” If we’re not actively asking it, the question is nevertheless there, floating around in the back of our minds: Could this have been better?

Sometimes another set of eyes and a fresh perspective are the keys to making good content great.

And that’s where I come in.

I love developmental copyediting. I’ve seen good writing improve dramatically as I’ve worked with others to make their writing the best that it can be, and I would love to offer my expertise to you.

Whether you need some advice on structure or phrasing, or someone to simply proofread your work with an eye to spelling and grammar, I can help!

I have experience editing everything from full-length books to powerpoint presentations.

If you’d like to take your content to the next level, please get in touch.

I look forward to working with you!